This site sets out to document the descendants (generally the first two generations only) of
immigrants on the first eight ships that arrived at Kangaroo Island, South Australia, in 1836:
- The 3-masted barque "Duke of York" (190 tons), the first
emigrant ship to South Australia, departed London 26th February 1836 (twice forced back for repairs and bad weather; finally got away from Torbay April 10th 1836) arrived Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 27th July 1836, with 25 crew, captain, and 13 passengers = 39 people, Captain Robert Clark Morgan.
- The 3-mast barque "Lady Mary Pelham" (206 tons),
departed Liverpool 30th March 1836, arrived Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 30th July 1836, with 29 passengers and crew, Captain Robert Ross.
- The 2-mast schooner "John Pirie" (105 tons), departed London 22nd February 1836, arrived Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 19th August 1836, with 24 passengers and crew, Captain George Martin.
- The 2-mast snow"Rapid" (162 tons), departed London 1st May 1836, arrived Encounter Bay 19th August 1836, then Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 20th August 1836, with 33 passengers and crew, captained by Colonel William Light - Commander of the Colonization Expedition.
- The 3-mast barque "Cygnet" (239 tons) departed London 20th March 1836, arrived Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 11th September 1836, with 87 passengers and crew, Captain John Rolls.
- The 2-mast brig "Emma" (164 tons) departed London 21st April 1836, arrived Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 5th October 1836, with 23 passengers, Captain John Nelson.
- The 3-mast barque "Africaine" (316 tons) departed London 28th June 1836, arrived Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 4th November 1836, 100 passengers and crew, Captain John Finlay Duff.
- The 3-mast barque "Tam O'Shanter" (360 tons, departed London 20th July 1836 arrived Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 20th November 1836 with 74 passengers, Captain Whiteman Freeman.
This project has expanded to include descendants of other notable early Kangaroo Island Pioneers who arrived on later ships.
Disclaimer: No representations are made that the data in these pages is complete, true or accurate, nor that the names are those who stayed on Kangaroo Island for any length of time - indeed, many would have moved on to the mainland shortly after these ships arrived at Kangaroo Island, as the South Australian Company realised that it would be preferable to start their settlement at what is now known as Adelaide. Only minimal information has been recorded, and researchers are encouraged to use this site as a springboard for finding further detail for themselves. Much care has been taken to credibly source all data, but there will be mistakes. You are most welcome to contact the compiler with any corrections and authoritative evidence. All sources can be inspected at the bottom of each page, and are at best "Secondary evidence" - i.e. no original documents have been sighted. Some sources are "Unreliable evidence", and some are "Questionable evidence" based on suppositions. Before accepting any data as truth, you are encouraged to obtain primary evidence. Please prove me wrong! If your own records disagree with any detail, no matter how small, please contact the author, with
your evidence. This research is being carried out in collaboration with the Kangaroo Island Pioneers' Association.
Useful Links Pioneers Descendants Summary Reports